Moon Guard Wiki

The Chivalric Code of the Westridge Cavaliers is a code of chivalry adapted from the Brotherhood of the Horse. While short in length, each tenet has long-reaching implications that each knight must discover and take to heart on their own. Knights of the Westridge Cavaliers found to repeatedly break this code can be stripped of their knighthood by the Duke of Westridge.

The Chivalric Code of the Knighted Order of Westridge
  • Have faith in the Light and maintain its Church.
  • Serve thy liege lord in valour and faith.
  • Falter not in the pursuit of justice.
  • Forgive those who wrong you.
  • At all times speak the truth.
  • Protect the weak and defenceless.
  • Give succour to widows and orphans.
  • Refrain from the wanton giving of offence.
  • Live by honor and for glory.
  • Refuse monetary reward.
  • Guard the honor of fellow knights.
  • Eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit.
  • Complete any enterprise begun.
  • Respect the honor of women.
  • Never turn thy back upon an enemy.