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The following is a written record of the Magus Senate of Dalaran meeting from January 4th, 40 LC.


Salazar Demes: It is now three past eight bells, and I call this session of the Senate to order. We have a few items on the agenda, including the all important development of N'Zoth penetrating the veil between worlds and assaulting Azeroth directly. I'll have more on that later. First, for legislative business, we have the Dalaran-Havenswood Treaty on the docket to be ratified by the Senate. Has everyone had a chance to review the document? I now open the floor to discussion, if anyone has any questions or comments. Director Coen.

Oliviaxi Coen: The only concern I have is that I worry that that big kul tiran guy's fiancee is going to die on their wedding night. He's like nine foot and she's tiny. I would request an amendment be made that they not honeymoon in Dalaran so that we don't have to deal with an unnecessary manslaughter charge. Otherwise they're lovely people.

Salazar Demes: Is that a motion?

Oliviaxi Coen: Yes, Sal. I'm making a motion to add that kind of-no it's fucking not.

Salazar Demes: We'll just ensure they don't... I shudder at the thought. Does anyone else have questions or comments? Senator Twinwrench.

Zanilla Twinwrench: Is there a time that must pass before amendments or additions may be added to a treaty? I am curious when we may begin learning some of their crafting and production methods.

Salazar Demes: Amendments can be proposed at any time, before or after ratification. Waiting until after ensures that what we have on paper is at least enforced, and a subsequent amendment can be made.

Zanilla Twinwrench: I see. Then I will wait.

Salazar Demes: Very well. Anyone else? There being none, I motion that we ratify the Treaty. Is there a second?

Zanilla Twinwrench: I second.

Salazar Demes: All in favor?

Name Vote
Salazar Demes Aye
Vorein Dawnstrider Abstain
Zanilla Twinwrench Aye
Grimlohk Stormhammer Aye
Oliviaxi Coen Aye
Vanadicius Alexander Aye
Levinarr Dreamwisp Abstain
Kyandra Icefire Aye

Salazar Demes: Excellent, with six Ayes, no Nays, and two abstentions, the motion carries, and the Treaty is ratified.

Vanidicus Alexander: Very good. I should contact them about settin' up shop asap.

Salazar Demes: I will notify the Admiral of our ratification.Yes, do that.Thank you. Alright! So, now that that's out of the way, we have the whole N'Zoth trouble on hand for us, and everything that comes with it. As you may or may not already know, the Old God has launched a full-scale assault on the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Uldum. Accordingly, our Pandaren embassy has been evacuated, and the portal network between Dalaran and Pandaria is limited. The City is currently at Level 3 for security status, and I direct you to the radio announcement for what that means.

Oliviaxi Coen: Also consider this your daily reminder to not make friends with anything that you can't clearly tell where its brain is, or anything with too many eyes and/or tentacles for its species.

Salazar Demes: As it stands, Dalaran has been well-fortified from our years of -practice- against the Old God's influence, but I don't know how long those wards will be able to withstand it. If you hear whispers, or know of someone hearing whispers, report it immediately. I visited the Cathedral last night, and not even they can prevent the penetration of N'Zoth's wicked lies. As for what we've been doing, I'll first turn to the General, and then to the Director, as they've been busy. General Alexander, please update us on what War has been doing.

Vanidicus Alexander: Th'War Ministry has been very active lately betwixt meself an' th'captain. I'll leave our broad external threats to'er an' go inta detail on a host of other things all conspirin' Prime among them is th'resurgence of th'Twilights Hammer. This has been an ongoin' pattern since th'sword blow penetrated th'deep places of th'Earth, an' Sargerasa crushed th'sea floor t'paste. In addition t'resurgent activity in Darkshore an' th'awakenin' of Sogoth the Slitherer, we have a significant uptick in ancillary activity. Most recently we have found that high level diplomats, political leaders, an' Kirin Tor personnel've been targeted seemingly at random. Chronographic augeries an' scryin' have given us th'general notion that void magic is in use in some capacity an' serves as a link between these random killings. A camp in Southern Eastern Kingdoms of ours has been totally wiped out, we are takin' preventative measures to stop it again. As a side note, senators willin' to talk to assist in processin' large numbers of civilians should talk to me after th'meetin'. That is all. Are there any questions? If that is all, captain. Yer go.

Oliviaxi Coen: So, the long of it short is that we've been running an investigation on a Kul Tiran mage that went off the grid several weeks back, on suspicion that this disappearance was connected with some rather troubling observances our augurs have been tracking. We've about reached the end of the investigative element of this longer project and are ready to go forward with an exceptionally dangerous test to serve both the ends of getting exact eyes on the troubling phenomena we've recorded, and to track down this mage for interrogation. That said we will need capable volunteers to assist with this endeavor, and more information will be forthcoming shortly. We will be using an off-site facility for conducting a rather ambitious if ill-advised magical endeavor, and I imagine some of you may be interested in pitching in simply for the chance to see what we're up to. I can provide less vague details on a one to one basis if anyone is interested, and there may be something on that front after the meeting, so keep your ears open and pay attention to the network for communications.

Salazar Demes: How wonderfully general, I'm sure you can provide some level of detail on this endeavor.

Vanidicus Alexander: I didn't say anythin'. Oh. Sorry. Was thinkin' about war stuff.

Oliviaxi Coen: Quite right. Suffice it to say, spooky shit's been happening, so try not to pay too much attention to the mad whispers of things beyond mortal ken. That's all I've got unless anyone has any questions that aren't to do with the vagueries. Cool.

Salazar Demes: Very good. I'll open the floor now to everyone here to hear your thoughts, as I'm sure you have questions about this... void development. Everyone feel nice and safe? No whispers?

Vorien Dawnstrider: Well, none of the ren'dorei are here…

Oliviaxi Coen: Nothing I haven't told to fuck off boss. Some absolutely agonizing headaches though.

Salazar Demes: I would hope so, for all our sakes.Unless you're Ren'dorie, in which case it's assumed.

Oliviaxi Coen: Better question, why would anyone be so arrogant as to conceal something that dangerous in the face of an old god invasion when reporting it could help us ward off the void's influence?He's fucking with you Starshine.And he should know better than that.

Salazar Demes: Great, well, as everyone is cool as a cucumber, which is fascinating, I'll now move to open business.

Vanidicus Alexander: This is bullshit. I hate these feckin' old gods.

Oliviaxi Coen: Perhaps to illustrate the point, I just heard one of those spooky whispers. They aren't a sign of corruption necessarily, but more that there is a magical incursion on our realm of existence. It is okay to report such a whisper, and doing so helps us isolate the source of what is sometimes bullshit annoying memetic void shit.

Vanidicus Alexander: I wonder if I talk back so they can hear me!I will wreck you old gods.

Oliviaxi Coen: Careful not to try to catch something larger than you that will break all your bones again sir.

Vanidicus Alexander: Don't look at me like that, Sir. I can feel your judging gaze.

Vorien Dawnstrider: ....You're yelling at the floor.

Vanidicus- Alexander: Won't happen again.

Zanilla Twinwrench: Perhaps ignoring the voices may help?

Salazar Demes: It... doesn't quite work that way... if only.

Zanilla Twinwrench: Ear plugs?

Vorien Dawnstrider: I don't think it works that way either Grand Engineer.

Oliviaxi Coen: I've found that verbally acknowledging that you heard something and then snarking back at it takes the edge off.

Kassandra Zoey Stormsail: Whot whispers? Find someone skilled in shadow magic an' 'ave 'em try to outwhisper 'em? If possible.

Vanidicus Alexander: You. I like the cut of your jib.

Oliviaxi Coen: Right. We about done here boss?

Kassandra Zoey Stormsail: Thanks, an' I like yer beard!

Zanilla Twinwrench: I feel the flow of the meeting has been interrupted.

Vanidicus Alexander: Quite.

Oliviaxi Coen: Quite.

Salazar Demes: Quite.

Zanilla Twinwrench: At least we all agree.

Salazar Demes: Well, at least we all agree on something. Seems the wards have to be adjusted, as this... should not happen. This is actually bad. Yes, Twinwrench?

Zanilla Twinwrench: I was about to mention that and request looking into that since I had worked on it previously.

Salazar Demes: Yes, yes, go ahead. It is evidently imperative.

Zanilla Twinwrench: Very well.

Vorien Dawnstrider: Grand Engineer, is there anything in particular you wish to look into in your study?

Zanilla Twinwrench: In regards to the wards? I wish to see why the wards, where were augmented with a light based augment are not warding the city as they were intended during the legion campaign. I am also wishing to look into any other "Warding" that may be useful against this and even if enclosing the council chamber in a type of "null" zone will work to dampen this.

Oliviaxi Coen: I might have a bunch of data for you soon, along those lines Zani.

Salazar Demes: Let's get that the warding done, and ensure that Mr. N'Zoth does not penetrate our walls again. This is unacceptable. But, if the Cathedral is vulnerable... we have our work cut out for us.

Vorien Dawnstrider: I see, I believe that research would be most helpful. Would you be needing additional help with this research?

Salazar Demes: Senator Icefire, are you alright?

Levinarr Dreamwisp: Chancellor, she will be fine in a bit.. Let's give her some time, yes?

Salazar Demes: Curious. Very well. Are there any last comments or questions before we adjourn?Senator Dreamwisp.

Levinarr Dreamwisp: Hm, while I have no comments and questions.. If this is all happening because of the wards needing adjustments. It would be wise to make those adjustments as quickly and soon as possible rather than later? We would not want all of Dalaran suffering by these whispers and noises during the week? I'm sure that it would be hard for citizens of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor to sleep the nights away without then.

Salazar Demes: Indeed, sooner rather than later would be preferable. Though I cannot say for certain that adjusting wards are a permanent solution, albeit a temporary measure. As the Old God pushes his influence into our world, the battle of wills will be tested to its apex. Any other questions, comments, concerns... ruminations?

Levinarr Dreamwisp: Such is the way when you are dealing with an Old God like we had with Yogg Saron back in Northrend.. N'Zoth should and needs to be vanquished as all them were.

Salazar Demes: Good, this meeting is adjourned.

All: For Dalaran!
