Moon Guard Wiki



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Brundenn strikes an imposing figure physically.. He is tall, strong, weathered, and scarred. Years of chopping trees and hauling logs as he was growing up have left him sinewy and calloused. He shies away the heavy and bulky plate armor of many warriors and prefers lighter, less restrictive gear, relying more on his natural mobility and brawn to tough through combat.


Young, optimistic, and still a bit naive, Brun enjoys meeting new people, experiencing new locales, and smashing them with his twin axes. He's more than willing to open up about his life to anyone and everyone to the point of over sharing in polite company but he wears his heart on his sleeve and his emotions are clear as day. Willing to learn and eager to talk, he's not the most educated of individuals but he is far from dumb. He is working class at his core but travelling around the realms have a funny way of opening one's mind.


"An axe to the face doesn't have a long cast time."

Brundenn was born and raised in Lakeshire to a mage of the Kirin Tor and a meek and mild laborer of the Redridge Mountains. Growing up, he knew the life of a laborer and was put to work in the lumber mill as soon as he was old enough to swing an ax. For the majority of his life, all he knew was waking up in the morning, going to work for the day, coming home, and spending time with his family. His life took a change after a band of Blackrock Raiders caught his parents off guard on the road to Stormwind and left him on his own. 

He continued to live as if he was destined to live out his life swinging axes until retirement until one day, fate intervened. As he was felling a tree, a panicked child came running to him with a pair of raiders on her heels. Brun grabbed his ax and squared off with the assailants. After a long confrontation, only a very bloody and battered Brun holding an inconsolable child was left standing over the mangled corpses of the two Orcs. While still trembling with rage, Brun returned to Lakeshire with his load of lumber, the child, and his battered axe to the shocked residents of the town and then made his way home to get cleaned up and nurse his wounds.

Word of his deeds soon spread around the town and something awakened in him after that instance. Before long, he found himself being tasked with culling local wildlife that had become menaces or escorting traders to nearby settlements. Eventually, he earned enough to purchase some functional armor and a sturdier axe which only served to fuel the spark of adventurelust in his heart. Then out the blue, his estranged uncle came into his life and began mentoring the boy until he finally set out and began adventuring out into the world. 


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