Kul Tiras Navy | |
![]() | |
Leaders |
Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore |
Headquarters |
Affiliations |
Grand Alliance Alliance of Lordaeron (Formerly) |
Status |
Active |
"Some states have a Navy. The Kul Tiran Navy has a state." ~ Attributed, various.
The Kul Tiras Navy, alternatively known as the Kul Tiran Navy or the Tirasian Navy is the major branch of the standing military of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras. It was known to once maintain the largest human fleets of the Grand Alliance and field thousands of ship-borne Marines in its defense. The Kul Tiras Navy dominated maritime warfare on the Great Sea for centuries, only recently put into question due to the losses it suffered during the Third War.
The Navy is usually led by the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, who also acts as the Kingdom of Kul Tiras' central ruler, who following Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore's demise by an Orcish skirmish on the city of Theramore was his widowed wife Katherine until she abdicated in favor of her daughter Jaina.
It was once boasted hundreds of ships, however many fleets and units have since been destroyed and the golden days of Kul Tiras has passed. Despite this, the Kul Tiras Navy has rebuilt and remains the dominant human naval force.
The precise history of the Kul Tiran Navy is difficult to pinpoint. The earliest sailors who come to Kul Tiras from Gilneas did so following the visions of the founder of House Stormsong, who landed them in a green and pleasant land that soon became one of Arathor's most prosperous colonies. As an Island nation, Ships became a simple fact of life for those who made the land their home. Other great nobles would follow in the wake of the Stormsong, including the Proudmoores, who would go on to become lords paramount of the Islands.
Before and after Kul Tiras' succession from Arathor in 1,200 BDP, Kul Tiras had built up an immense war fleet of vessels of all shapes and sizes. Over time, these warships were streamlined, categorized and standardized to become the dominant naval power of the eastern continent. Kul Tiras maintains a standard of possessing a larger navy than their next two largest competitors combined.
Kul Tiras would be involved in hundreds of battles over the centuries, ranging from the War of Silverpine to the Second Great War. The Kul Tiran Navy would be led to its greatest defeat in history during the Third War under Lord-Admiral Daelin Proudmoore as they waged war upon the Horde of Kalimdor without the backing of their allies in the Alliance. This led to a period of isolation and rebuilding for Kul Tiras, having lost almost half of their fleet, both to Jaina Proudmoore's commandeering of the fleet to Kalimdor, and to losses suffer at Theramore.
Years later, the Alliance would seek to appeal to Kul Tiras to rejoin the Alliance. After a difficult initial entry to the kingdom, inroads were eventually made and Kul Tiras was officially negotiated back into the Alliance, making the Kul Tiran Navy part of the Grand Alliance navy.
Fleet Bases and Ports[]
- Boralus Harbor, Tiragarde Sound - Headquarters
- Bridgeport, Tiragarde Sound
- Seabreak Port, Seabreak
- Dunbarton, Drustvar
- Port Fogtide, Stormsong Valley
- Tidefury Cove, Dustwallow Marsh (Formerly, destroyed)
- Tiragarde Keep, Durotar (Formerly, destroyed)
- Tol Barad
Ship Classes[]
Note: While Common is the modern language of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, the Navy maintains official translations for the Lord Admiral's Ship naval prefix, ship class names and certain ship names in the Tirassi Language, as a show of cultural pride.
Active Ship Classes[]
Stormbringer-class Ship of the Line[]
Known in Tirassi as the Tormenta-class

The Stormbringer-class Ship of the Line.
The Stormbringer-class ship of the line is the current in use Ship of the Line design that has since replaced the Admiral-class Ship of the Line.
In development at the time of the ill-fated Lord-Admiral's voyage to Theramore, some believe that had the Admiral waited but a year or two longer, it could have drastically changed the events of Theramore. The Stormbringer-class improves on every facet of the Admiral-class, bringing it to the modern age as one of, if not the, most dangerous classes of battleship on the ocean to date.
Any remaining Admiral-class ships were upgraded to the Stormbringer-class, or scuttled, due to the vertical scale of improvement.
Tidebreaker-class Man-of-War[]
Known in Tirassi as the Tifón-class

The Tidebreaker-class Man-of-War.
The Tidebreaker-class Man-of-War is a new innovative design on Kul Tiran flagships. Smaller than a Stormbringer but larger than a Hunter or Fire, the Tidebreaker has been hailed as one of the finest designs that has ever been fielded by Kul Tiras. Finalized after the joining of the nation back into the Grand Alliance, with aid from Gilnean and Stormwindian shipwrights, the Tidebreaker has seen its first deployment in the war against the Zandalar Empire.
While it lacks the commanding presence of the Stormbringer, the payload of the Tidebreaker is immense, hosting a suitable "in-between" from the commanding ship of the line and the hearty frigates of Kul Tiras. The dream flagship for most Kul Tiran flotillas, while lacking the overall power of its bigger brethren, the mobility per fire power output makes the Tidebreaker a worthy vessel; speculated that in a fight, the mobility could potentially give the Tidebreaker an edge over the Stormbringer.
Fire-class Battleship[]
Known in Tirassi as the Fuego-class

A Fire-class Battleship alongside a Daelin-class Destroyer.
The Fire-class is an older but still fielded design that was completed shortly after the failed mission to Theramore. Inspired by the, then made defunct, Blaze-class Battleship, the Fire-class was made much smaller in comparison, instead focusing on quality of arms and plating to improve maneuverability. This downsizing became uniform across several Kul Tiran ship designs; though still making a number of them larger in comparison to other nations. The Fire-class was the basis for the later adapted Gryphon-class of Stormwind, though the Fire-class has been noted as being larger.
Due to the niche it fills in between the Hunter and Stormbringer, in particular with the affordable design of the latter, the Fire-class has begun to be phased out of common place usage. Where the Fire-class was once the defacto ship of the Nation, it now may face semi-retirement in the coming years.
Hunter-class Corsair[]
Known in Tirassi as the Cazador-class.

The Hunter-class Corsair.
The Hunter-class is the main frigate on the seas of the navy and has replaced the Inferno-class that came before it. While developed after the Stormbringer, the improvements of the Stormbringer on the Admiral-class allowed for breakthroughs in design that ultimately led to the Hunter replacing the Fire-class entirely.
It can be equated to the Gryphon-class of Stormwind or the Glory-class of Gilneas; though the Hunter is far more well equipped than either according to some. Some Hunters have been modified for transportation, rather than war, though these are usually reserved for important voyages or key-routes, such as the new route between Boralus and Stormwind which makes use of such a vessel.
Along with the Anchor-class, the Hunter is know for being at the centre of one of the Navy's most embarrassing bureaucratic errors. The class was once known as the "Hunter-class Destroyer", which caused a fair amount of issues. Destroyers are normally a type of Corvette, and thus smaller than a Frigate, the plans and names for the Hunters and Anchors were mixed up by accident, resulting in the larger vessels being known as Hunters. This becomes glaringly obvious when one compares the class to the equivalent Ancre-class Frigate, which is the Nuitois derivative of the Hunter-class, while the Chasseur-class Destroyer is their derivative of the Anchor-class.
This error had resulted in many enemies underestimating the Hunters, however, which meant the Admiralty was inclined to overlook the issue. This, however, did not last very long. By the time Kul Tiras came into combat with the Horde, the ship type was rebranded as the "Corsair", so as to correct the terminology issue.
Anchor-class Frigate[]
Known in Tirassi as the Áncora-class.

The Anchor-class Frigate, in Irontide Colors.
Similar in design to the Taylor-class, to the point where some have even accused either the Alliance or Kul Tiras of copying the design, the Anchor-class frigate is a versatile vessel that can serve as both a vessel of war and of transport.
More cost efficient than the Hunter-class, the Anchor-class is used primarily for patrol around Kul Tiras or for large, but non-important, cargo movement. It has largely been factored out by both the Seascaper for internal use, though it is still seen in other waters. It is a popular vessel for non-military personnel, as the Anchor-class's previous mass-use and versatile design made it a favorite for privateers and pirates alike.
Seascaper-class Transport[]
Known in Tirassi as the Marina-class.

The Seascaper-class Transport.
The Seascaper-class Transport is the current transport in use by the Kul Tiran fleet. Sleeker, though more fit for short-distance travel than its predecessor, the Proudmoore-class, it is used almost exclusively on Kul Tiras for transporting goods. As a result, while Proudmoores are still fielded in Kul Tiras, as time goes on, the Seascaper-class continues to replace it; with the goal of eventually phasing the class out entirely for homeland-use and replacement by the more modern schooner.
Across seas, the Seascaper-class is used, though depending on the region it may be replaced by modified versions of the Hunter-class.
Semi-Active Ship Classes[]
Admiral-class Ship of the Line[]
Known in Tirassi as the Almirante-class

The Admiral-class Ship of the Line, Sirena. The last known Admiral-class on the seas.
The base design of the famed Stormwindian Lion-class, the Admiral-class is a hulking Heavy First Rate Battleship, carrying 112 cannons and carronades. Designed just before the outbreak of the First War, the Admirals would be used as the anchor points of Tirasian lines of battle throughout the Great Wars, with the first ship of the class, the LAS Sirena, serving as the flagship of Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore up until its destruction at Theramore just after the end of the Third War.
The ship class was phased out by the Stormbringer-class over a year following the destruction of the last Kul Tiran hold out in Durotar, Tiragarde Keep. Remaining vessels have been put into use, but have largely been destroyed and the class was thought to have been completely scuttled until the return of the Sirena, as Lady Jaina Proudmoore's flagship.
Daelin-class Destroyer[]

The Daelin-class.
The Daelin-class Destroyer was an experimental designed ship that never fully reached height due to the Scourging of Lordaeron and the subsequent closing of Tirasian borders. Mostly found in regions that were isolated and not privy to later Tirassian design, such as the Isle of Havre, the Daelin-class has been modified and is used in several points around them. From which the later Icebreaker would draw inspiration, mainly the armored extended front, the Daelin is somewhat behind current design and breakthroughs. As such, while it packs a significant punch, the Daelin does not move very fast.
Proudmoore-class Transport[]

A Proudmoore-class vessel.
The Proudmoore-class merchant vessel is a ship primarily designed as a cargo ship to transport goods and people over long distances. Named after the war hero Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, the ship was designed in the years immediately after the Second War in order to faciliate the transport of the massive amount of raw materials and laborers required to rebuild Stormwind from the northern nations of the Eastern Kingdoms.
It continues to see use across the world even today, though Kul Tiras has largely replaced it personally with the newer Seascaper-class.
Retired Ship Classess[]
Blaze-class Battleship[]
Known in Tirassi as the Arder-class.

A Blaze-class Battleship from the Third War.
The Blaze-class Battleship was an innovation that followed the Carronade-class Destroyer. Capitalizing on its weight and firing power, the Blaze slimmed down the design of the Carronade-class and added plating to the vessel to make it viable. It served through the periods of the First and Third Wars; seeing its last use in the aftermath of the failed voyage to Theramore. The slowness of the Carronades and Blazes resulted in their decommissioning following a shift in Tirassi tactics to favor long ranged engagements, in an attempt to conserve their strength, though it later inspired the design of the Fire-class battleship.
Inferno-class Frigate[]
Known in Tirassi as the Infierno-class.

An Inferno-class Frigate from the Third War.
The Inferno-class Frigate was the main frigate of the Kul Tiran navy from the period of the First War to the Third War and saw its final main use during the battles near Theramore. Designed by some of the finest shipwrights Kul Tiras could find, it replaced previous models of Frigates with a stream-lined and cost effective design that ultimately saw its longlived use.
It was ultimately replaced by the Anchor and Fire-classes in the years following the failed events of Theramore.
Wind-class Transport[]
Known in Tirassi as the Viento-class.

The Wind-class transport from the Third War.
The Wind-class Transport was a naval vessel designed exclusively during the Third War era. Using a schooner-type build, the Wind-class was meant for cheap and fast transportation that would ultimately be guarded not by the vessel it's self, but by escort.
Following the Third War, it was decommissioned, though the design lived on in the later made Seascaper-class vessel which ultimately accomplished similar goals; though with room for small cannons for personal defense.
Captain-class Ship of the Line[]
Known in Tirassi as the Capitán-class.
The Captain-class superseded the Admiral-class and was the first Ship of the Line designed by Kul Tiras as an evolution of naval-warfare. While prior naval battles were fought with frigates, the invention of this class completely revolutionized the sea-scape, and the Captain-class was subject to many improvements throughout its impressive service on the ocean. As a result of its cost, the ship of the line was almost wholly reserved for the Lord-Admiral until later innovations.
The Captain-class was eventually phased out by the innovation of the Admiral-class, an invention of Daelin Proudmoore.
Carronade-class Destroyer[]
Known in Tirassi as the Carronada-class.
The Carronade-class Destroyer was the fore-runner to the Captain-class vessel and was the largest ship known in the Kul Tiran navy for its time. The Carronade-class was susceptible to smaller ship designs, and it was known that in engagements between other maritime nations, such as Gilneas, smaller sloop-like vessels could often destroy the Carronade-class by surrounding and out foxing it.
This flaw, of being too small to be a major powerhouse, but too large to be maneuverable, led to the separate designs of the Fire-class and Blaze-class respectively, with the idea of a large powerhouse vessel eventually becoming the Captain-class.
First Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore
- Size: 35 + ships
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Active
Stationed in Boralus, the First Fleet suffered severe damage following the Cataclysm. It was later rebuilt, and is one of the few fleets that was not fully lost at sea; though half of its flotilla was lost alongside Captain Tandred Proudmoore. What remained of the fleet was heavily damaged during the Siege of Boralus. The remnants of the fleet were reinforced by Tandred's returning ships, though the majority of the ships at port were destroyed by Ashvane's forces. Despite this, the First Fleet still fielded ships, mostly those that returned with Captain Tandred, alongside the Eighth Fleet for the Battle of Dazar'alor, where Lady Proudmoore was at the forefront. Following this, the First Fleet was set to be repaired while the Eighth continued their active role; sparing the first the fate of the eighth when the latter was destroyed following the opening of the sea around Nazjatar. In the wake of the Fourth War's end, the First Fleet has been restored and serves as the flagship fleet of Kul Tiras.
Second Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Admiral Andro Seabane
- Size: 6 ships
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Active
Sunk some time during the First War, the Second Fleet was reportedly being rebuilt prior to the Cataclysm and completed restoration during the Legion invasion. Lost at sea for months following the end of the war against the Legion, it returned to Boralus at the end of Lady Ashvane's siege of the city.
Third Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Captain Derek Proudmoore
- Size: 8+ ships
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Destroyed
Sunk on the coast of Khaz Modan, the Third Fleet, also known as the "Doomed Fleet" or the "Lost Fleet", was previously commanded by Captain Derek Proudmoore. Unlike other destroyed fleets, it is designated to remain retired for the time being in respect for the deceased.
Fourth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Admiral John Dunelm
- Size: 90 ships, 6,700 personnel
- Homeport: Copperstock
- Status: Active
First sunk during the conflicts in Kalimdor, the Fourth Fleet was rebuilt under the command of Admiral John Dunelm.
Fifth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Admiral Dartlic Boreal
- Size: 6 ships
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Active
The then forward deployed fifth fleet of Kul Tiras, it is currently led by Admiral Dartlic Boreal. Currently their homeport is Boralus City.
Sixth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Admiral Abraham Glendale II
- Size: 8 Ships
- Homeport: Kettleman Harbor, Anchorfell
- Status: Active
The Sixth Fleet, under the direction of Admiral Abraham Glendale II, has supported Alliance causes following Kul Tiras' exit from the Grand Alliance. The Sixth Fleet is currently active and has been rebuilt after being nearly decimated following Lady Ashvane's attack on Daelin's Gate. The home port of the Sixth Fleet is Kettleman Harbor.
Seventh Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Admiral Vekion Stormwater
- Size: Unknown
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Crippled
The Seventh Fleet suffered significant losses during the Cataclysm, but continues to patrol the waters surrounding Kul Tiras under the command of Admiral Vekion Stormwater.
Eighth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Captain Layla Seastock
- Size: N/A
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Destroyed
One of the fleets taken by Jaina Proudmoore during her flight to Kalimdor, The Eighth Fleet was sunk during the conflicts in Kalimdor. It was rebuilt just prior to the arrival of Daelin Proudmoore, where it defected to the Admiral's side and was once again destroyed by the Horde. It was rebuilt, again, just before the war against the Legion. Lost at sea for months following the end of the war against the Legion, it returned to Boralus at the end of Lady Ashvane's siege of the city. It was later destroyed, a third time, after the ocean opened up surrounding Nazjatar; killing most of its crew, sinking all of its vessels, and killing the majority of its command. It has been deemed as the Unlucky Eight by other fleets due to its propensity to be destroyed.
Ninth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Captain Terrance Windworth
- Size: 15+ ships
- Homeport: Seabreak
- Status: Active
Patrolling the waters around Seabreak, the Ninth Fleet was one of the fleets that suffered few losses in the Cataclysm. They are led by Captain Terrance Windworth. It was one of the few fleets not lost at sea due to the fact that it does not operate out of mainland Kul Tiras. Seabreak was one of the few Kul Tiras ports that remained friendly to the Alliance after Kul Tiras left it; a fact that strained relations with the Proudmoore Admiralty before the ascension of Jaina Proudmoore. Following Jaina's rise, the ninth fleet has been called to waters beyond just Seabreak and saw combat during the Fourth War.
Tenth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Commodore Daennica Kelly
- Size: 5 ships
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Active
Taken by Jaina Proudmoore during her exodus to Kalimdor, the admiral of the Tenth Fleet defected his forces to Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore side and was subsequently destroyed in the siege of Theramore Isle. It was rebuilt just prior to the beginning of the war against the Lich King. Lost at sea for months following the end of the war against the Legion, it returned to Boralus at the end of Lady Ashvane's siege of the city. After seeing service in the Fourth War and taking heavy losses in Nazjatar, the Tenth Fleet is being revitalized with new vessels, crews, and command.
Eleventh Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Vice-Admiral Joseph Reefheart
- Size: 4 operational ships, 3 damaged, 2 decommissioned.
- Homeport: Crestfall(originally), New Theramore (temporary)
- Status: Crippled
Originally the fleet of Crestfall, the eleventh was moved to the city of Boralus after Crestfall was destroyed during the Second War. Though they had begun restoration efforts to the island, these were eventually abandoned as tensions rose to what would eventually be the Third War. Taken by Jaina Proudmoore during her exodus to Kalimdor, the Eleventh Fleet remained loyal to Lady Proudmoore against her father and largely served as peacekeepers during the city's occupation. When Theramore was besieged by Garrosh Hellscream, the Eleventh was put in charge of evacuation of civilians, though the majority of it was taken captive by the Horde along with the civilians they were transporting to safety. Those who remain are currently led by Captain Joseph Reefheart and operate out of New Theramore on the Isle of Seabreak. It was one of the few fleets not lost at sea and held strained relations with the rest of Kul Tiras due to their loyalties to Jaina Proudmoore until her eventual appointment to Lord-Admiral. It is expected to be transferred at some point out of Seabreak to mainland Kul Tiras.
Twelfth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Admiral Godwyn Ladekahn
- Size: Unknown
- Homeport: Boralus
- Status: Under Reconstruction
Taken by Jaina Proudmoore during her exodus to Kalimdor, the Twelfth Fleet was destroyed in the Fall of Theramore. While the original fleet remained loyal to Theramore, a new Twelfth Fleet was built at some point before the war against the Lich King. Lost at sea for months following the end of the war against the Legion, it returned to Boralus at the end of Lady Ashvane's siege of the city. The Twelfth Fleet is currently undergoing an extensive refit in the aftermath of the Fourth War, with many of its ships in dry dock.
Thirteenth Fleet[]
- Last Known Leader: Admiral Dyana Itheca
- Size: 25+ ships
- Homeport: Dunbarton
- Status: Active
The Thirteenth Fleet patrols and protects Drustvar's coastlines. While pirates believe Drustvar to be the easiest region in Kul Tiras to raid, the the Thirteenth surprises, and reminds them that Drustvar is still made from the same fire as the rest of Kul Tiras. The fleet is led by Admiral Dyana Itheca, and was one of the few fleets not lost at sea due to its primary duty being centered around Drustvar's naval defenses.
Command Structure and Ranks[]
Note 1: These ranks and information are part of the centralised Grand Alliance Navy fanon, and are thus not required to be acknowledged by anyone.
Note 2: While Common is the modern language of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, the Navy maintains an official list of translations for its ranks in the Tirassi Language, as a show of cultural pride.
Flag Ranks (Almirantes)[]
Lord Admiral
(Hidalgo Almirante) |
- Lord Admiral - The ruler of Kul Tiras and commander-in-chief of the Kul Tiras Navy, the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras heads the nations Admiralty Board, along with personally leading the First Fleet. Typically the Lord Admiral will take an active hand in the running of the navy, although during times of weak monarchs or a regency the navy has instead been headed by a senior Admiral.
Admiral (Almirante) |
Vice Admiral (Vice Almirante) |
Rear Admiral (Contra Almirante) |
Commodore (Comodoro) |
- Admiral - The commander of one of Kul Tiras' many fleets, Admirals are the senior-most officers of the Tirasian Navy aside from the Lord Admiral. All Admirals are members of the Admiralty Board, with many hailing from the nation's peerage. Unlike in other nations, noble Admirals are never referred to as "Lord Admiral [X]", as such styling is reserved for the monarch themselves.
- Vice Admiral - Typically serving as the Executive Officers of fleets, Vice Admirals are typically tasked with the command of a subdivision of the main fleet in battle. They also serve on the Tirasian Admiralty Board, although their word carries less weight than that of full Admirals.
- Rear Admiral - Rear Admirals are typically the commanders of major naval ports. Rear Admirals will also fill the ranks of the navy's top staff officers and, like all other Flag Ranks, sit on the Admiralty Board.
- Commodore - Serving as the Commanding Officers of Squadrons, Commodores are the junior-most Flag Officers with a seat on the Admiralty Board.
Senior Officers (Capitanes)[]
Flag Captain
(Capitán de Bandera) |
(Capitán) |
(Comandante) |
Captain Lieutenant
(Capitán Teniente) |
- Flag Captain - The Commanding Officers of Ships of the Line and Flagships, Flag Captains are the most experienced Senior Officers of the Tirasian Navy and are considered to be prime candidates for Flag Rank. Flag Captains are also found commanding Flotillas of a number of smaller Corvettes. They are sometimes known by the more archaic form of Ship of the Line Captain.
- Captain - Commanders of the navy's frigates and destroyers, Captains are some of the most numerous Senior Officers of the navy. Captains who show proficiency at the command of the ship will eventually be promoted to Flag Captains. They are sometimes known by the more archaic form of Frigate Captain.
- Commander - Commanding officers of the larger Corvettes, Commanders in a flotilla are typically place under the command of a single high-ranking individual, such as a Flag Captain. They are sometimes known by the more archaic form of Corvette Captain.
- Captain Lieutenant - The commanders of Transports and the smallest Corvettes, Captain Lieutenants are the most junior Senior Officers. They can also be found serving as the Executive Officer aboard largest of Battleships.
Junior Officers (Tenientes)[]
Lieutenant Commander
(Teniente Comandante) |
(Teniente) |
(Alférez) |
(Guardiamarina) |
- Lieutenant Commander - Typically found as the Executive Officers aboard Ships of the Line, Lieutenant Commanders are senior Lieutenants who have shown themselves capable of leading large numbers of men and weaponry. They are sometimes known by the more archaic form of Ship of the Line Lieutenant.
- Lieutenant - Lieutenants are found commanding divisions of a Battleship's crew or as the Executive Officers of Frigates. They are sometimes known by the more archaic form of Frigate Lieutenant.
- Ensign - Ensigns are found as the commanders of a Frigate's divisions or as the Executive Officers of a Corvette. They are sometimes known by the more archaic form of Corvette Lieutenant.
- Midshipman - Trainee and apprentice officers, Midshipmen are members of the Royal Naval Academy of Kul Tiras.
Adjutants (Ayudantes)[]
Adjutant of the Navy
(Ayudante de Armada) |
Adjutant Major
(Ayudante Mayor) |
First Adjutant
(Ayudante Primero) |
(Ayudante) |
- Adjutant of the Navy - The highest ranking Non-Commissioned Officer of the Kul Tiras Navy, the Adjutant of the Navy serves as the head of all sailor affairs within the navy, along with also serving as the Chief Enlisted Officer of the First Fleet. Although an enlisted rank, they are considered on par with a Port Admiral. The last known Adjutant of the Navy was killed along with Daelin Proudmoore at Theramore and it is unknown if the Admiralty Board has appointed a successor.
- Adjutant Major - Serving as the Chief Enlisted Officer of their Fleet, Adjutants Major are the highest enlisted ranks of the navy, aside from the Adjutant of the Navy.
- First Adjutant - Serving as the Chief Enlisted Officer of a Squadron, First Adjutants are advisers to Counter Admirals.
- Adjutant - Unlike other Adjutant ranks, standard Adjutants do not serve as Chief Enlisted Officers. Instead, they serve as specialists aboard large ships such as Flagships and Battleships.
Petty Officers (Suboficials)[]
Chief Petty Officer
(Suboficial Mayor) |
First Petty Officer
(Suboficial Primero) |
Petty Officer
(Suboficial) |
Mariner Major
(Marinero Mayor) |
- Chief Petty Officer - Found aboard most medium sized vessels such as Frigates, Petty Officers Major serve as the Chief Enlisted Officer for their vessel. They are sometimes known by the more direct translation of Petty Officer Major or the more archaic form of Countermaster Major.
- First Petty Officer - Junior specialists, First Petty Officers fill much the same role as Adjutants aboard smaller ships such as Frigates. On Corvettes they can also be found serving as the Chief Enlisted Officer while on Battleships they can be found serving as an Adjutant's assistants. Like all other Tirasian Petty Officers, they are sometimes known by the older form of First Countermaster.
- Petty Officer - Commanders of Sections, Petty Officers are the most common Petty Officer ranks in the Kul Tiras Navy. They can also be addressed as Countermaster but this is rare.
- Mariner Major - Trainee or Junior specialists, Mariners Major can be found serving as assistants to First Petty Officers aboard frigates while on smaller Corvettes they will typically serve as the only specialist of that type aboard the ship.
Mariners (Marineros)[]
First Mariner
(Marinero Primero) |
Able Mariner
(Marinero Capaz) |
(Marinero) |
Mariner Recruit
(Marinero Recluta) |
- First Mariner - Typically serving as the Executive Officers of Sections or the leaders of Teams, First Mariners are experienced Mariners who are in the process of being trained for command.
- Able Mariner - Veteran Mariners, Able Mariners are the most experienced sailors not to hold a command.
- Mariner - The Tirasian equivalent of Seamen, Mariners are the most common members of the navy and are found in all roles.
- Mariner Recruit - New recruits, Mariners Recruit are typically not assigned to a ship until they have completed their basic training.
Uniforms and Ensigns[]
Lord Admiral's Corps of Ordnance[]
Tirasian Corps of Sea Magi[]
Lord Admiral's Corps of Chaplains[]
Name | Rank | Fleet | Post | Status |
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Lord Admiral | First Fleet | Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras; Grand Admiral of the Alliance Navy | Deceased |
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Lord Admiral | First Fleet | Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras | Alive |
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Lord Admiral | First Fleet | Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras | Alive |
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Admiral | Flotte de Nuit | Admiral of the Flotte de Nuit | Alive |
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Admiral | First Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Admiral | Second Fleet | Admiral of the Second Fleet | Alive |
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Admiral | Fourth Fleet | Admiral of the Fourth Fleet; Highlord of the Silver Anchor | Alive |
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Admiral | Fifth Fleet | Admiral of the Fifth Fleet | Alive |
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Admiral | Sixth Fleet | Admiral of the Sixth Fleet | Alive |
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Admiral | Seventh Fleet | Admiral of the Seventh Fleet | Alive |
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Admiral | Thirteenth Fleet | Admiral of the Thirteenth Fleet | Alive |
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Admiral | First Fleet | Chancellor of the Royal Naval Academy of Kul Tiras | Alive |
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Admiral | Unknown | N/A | Deceased |
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Vice Admiral | Flotte de Nuit | Vice Admiral of the Flotte de Nuit | Alive |
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Rear Admiral | Flotte de Nuit | Rear Admiral of Nuit Naval Base | Alive |
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Rear Admiral | First Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Rear Admiral | Twelfth Fleet | Admiral of the Twelfth Fleet | Alive |
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Commodore | First Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Commodore | Flotte de Nuit | N/A | Alive |
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Commodore | Flotte de Nuit | N/A | Alive |
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Commodore | First Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Commodore | First Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Captain | Unknown | N/A | Deceased |
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Captain | Third Fleet | Crown Prince of Kul Tiras | Undead |
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Captain | Twelfth Fleet | Captain of the L.A.S Raven | Alive |
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Captain | Third Fleet | N/A | Deceased |
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Captain | First Fleet | N/A | Deceased |
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Captain | First Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Captain | Unknown | N/A | Deceased |
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Captain | Eleventh Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Captain | Second Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Captain | Unknown | N/A | Alive |
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Captain | Ninth Fleet | N/A | Alive |
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Commander | Third Fleet | N/A | Deceased |
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Lieutenant Commander | Third Fleet | N/A | Deceased |
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Lieutenant | Unknown | N/A | Deceased |
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Lieutenant | Unknown | N/A | Missing |
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Ensign | Unknown | N/A | Unknown |
Whelynn Fletcher | Commander | Tenth Fleet | Captain of the L.A.S Tiragarde | Alive |
Rose Kelly | Lieutenant Commander | Tenth Fleet | Captain of the L.A.S Reliant | Alive |
Lorcyne Fletcher | Lieutenant | Tenth Fleet | Captain of the L.A.S Tak | Alive |
Rowyne Fletcher | Lieutenant | Tenth Fleet | Captain of the L.A.S Relief | Alive |
Name | Ship Class | Fleet | Status |
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Inferno-class Frigate | Third Fleet | Destroyed |
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Hunter-class Destroyer | Fifth Fleet | Active |
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Hunter-class Destroyer | Fifth Fleet | Active |
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Blaze-class Battleship | Third Fleet | Destroyed |
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Blaze-class Battleship | Third Fleet | Destroyed |
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Daelin-class Destroyer | Third Fleet | Destroyed |
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Admiral-class Ship-of-the-line | Third Fleet | Destroyed |
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Hunter-class Destroyer | First Fleet | Active |
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Stormbringer-class Ship-of-the-line | First Fleet | Active |
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Admiral-class Ship-of-the-line | First Fleet | Active |
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Stormbringer-class Ship-of-the-line | First Fleet | Active |
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Blaze-class Battleship | Third Fleet | Destroyed |
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Tidebreaker-class Man-of-War | Unknown | Destroyed |
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Stormbringer-class Ship-of-the-line |
Fifth Fleet | Active |
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Hunter-class Destroyer | First Fleet | Active |
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Hunter-class Destroyer | Second Fleet | Active |
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Admiral-class Ship-of-the-line | Third Fleet | Destroyed |