Moon Guard Wiki

Spell Breakers (or spellbreakers) are an elite division of magic-wielding warriors, similar to Battlemages that excel at fighting magic users. Many guardsmen of Silvermoon are trained in this art. The powers of the spell breaker are terrifying to those with knowledge of magic, for their blows shatter the mana from a spellcaster's body.

World of Warcraft[]

While they were already few in number, to begin with, the ranks of this formidable fighting force were thinned drastically when their headquarters on the Isle of Quel'Danas was overwhelmed by Kael'thas Sunstrider and his Burning Legion forces. The lone squad that remains now exists as a relic of a bygone era, as the Spellbreakers have refrained from training any new recruits since Kael'thas' betrayal. What happened to the ones that followed Kael'thas has not been explained.

In more recent times, Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron himself ordered a revitalization of Spellbreaker training, leading to a resurgence of Spellbreakers among the Sin'dorei ranks.

Mists of Pandaria[]

Lor'themar Theron fielded a regiment of Spellbreakers during the Horde campaign in Pandaria. Spellbreakers proved an invaluable defense force in Krasarang Wilds, and serve as sentries as part of the Sunreaver Onslaught.


During Volunteer Guard Day, Silvermoon's rank-and-file guardians were replaced with mage-guards named Silvermoon Spellbreaker Elites.

The Felborne have Felborne Spellbreakers in Suramar and onboard Kil'jaeden's flagship in the Twisting Nether.


  • The Sunblade Mage Guards in the Magisters' Terrace, introduced in patch 2.4.0, are most likely Spellbreakers.
  • The existence of several Nightborne and Felborne Spellbreaker units might indicate that their tradition could actually date back from the time of the Kaldorei Empire.


The cunning Blood Elf Spellbreakers have mastered the arts of spellcraft to such a degree that they have become resistant to the effects of even the most powerful magic. Coupled with their fierce combat skills, their spell immunity makes them implacable foes when facing magic-wielding enemies. However, the spell breakers' most astonishing ability is to actually steal their enemies' beneficial enchantments and grant them to their own comrades. This uncanny ability has turned the tide of more than one battle in the blood elves' favor.

The deadly, two-bladed swords of the Spellbreakers strike fear in the hearts of wizards and sorcerers. The blood elves' elite warriors employ these frighteningly effective weapons to execute outlawed spellcasters, necromancers and other evil practitioners of magic. This blood-elven two-bladed sword is the bane of any evil spellcaster.

Spellbreaker shields span the entire height of a Blood Elf, and are harder than steel, but are also incredibly light. These barriers can absorb and sometimes reflect incoming spells.

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