Moon Guard Wiki

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Stromgarde Flag


Stromgarde City · Arathi Highlands · Arathi Basin


Stromgarde Army · Stromgarde Navy · League of Arathor · Kingdom of Stromgarde

Notable Figures

Liam Trollbane · Thoras Trollbane · Galen Trollbane · Danath Trollbane

See also, House of Trollbane, Stromgarde Peerage, Stromgarde Organizations, Empire of Arathor
Stromgarde Ship

The Stromgarde Navy (also known as the Stromic Navy) refers to the somewhat small and unactive four fleets that serve the Kingdom of Stromgarde. During the Third War the navy's power waned considerably, and two of the four fleets were retired simply because of funding. With around six-hundred active marines, the naval power of the Stromic Navy became simply nonexistant. 

Fleets of the Stromic Navy[]
