Nearly seven thousand years ago, the Highborne were exiled from Kalimdor for refusing to give up arcane magic. Led by Dath'Remar Sunstrider, these elves founded their own Kingdom of Quel'Thalas. For millennia the mystical pool of energy known as the Sunwell fueled the potent magic of the exiled high elves. Now, the remnants of this ancient fountain have become the Burning Legion's latest target as the demons prepare to summon their commander, Kil'jaeden, with the Sunwell's energy.
Heroes from Shattrath City have joined under the banner of the Shattered Sun Offensive, endeavoring to crush the Legion's invasion before it becomes insurmountable. More combatants join the Offensive every day, but the might of the Legion cannot be easily suppressed. Fierce demonic servants guard the Sunwell Plateau, attacking anyone who interferes with their proceedings. As the time of Kil'jaeden's arrival draws near, Azeroth's heroes have one final chance to save their world from blistering devastation.