Moon Guard Wiki

By unknown illustrator


Warlord Yoh'ghyl (Presumably)
Spawn Queen Uul'gwar


Azerothian Seas


Old Gods
Queen Azshara



"Old tales speak of beautiful maidens; swimming by ships, luring sailors to their doom."

Mermaid's Looking Glass

Trenchlings are a mysterious and dark carnivorous marine species lurking deep within Azeroth's sea trenches. They are believed to originally have been Merfolk before their forced or voluntary Old God corruption. While its unknown if there are any Merfolk left, the Trenchling population has massively increased after the defeat of Vol'zith the Whisperer.

Adept in ancient magics, they conceal their horrifying forms when they venture out of their trenches to allure unsuspecting sailors to their death. Opting for the widely known illusion of colorful tails, flowing hair, and gleaming upper body flesh.

The Trenchlings are particularly savage toward the Tydenborne, for their worship of Neptulon whom the Trenchlings hate, and their Tenochtri bloodline for their possession of diluted Drust ancestry. The primitive Drust having hunted down numerous Merfolk for their vibrant scales and rich ichor which was rumored to contain magical properties.

The Trenchlings hold a symbiotic relationship with Deep Sea murlocs and Fathom Dwellers, which they keep as additional soldiery and tools of war respectively, often in turn for food or protection.

When slaying their meals, the Trenchlings usually burrow through the chests of their prey with their powerful jaws. However, when a Trenchling gets a hold of an individual they deem related to the Tydenborne, it not only gnaws any visible markings off, but also crops their fingers into nubs before chewing the victim's face off. Tydenborne markings and the victim's face being their identity, while fingers being vital for wayfinding.
