Moon Guard Wiki

Bookerr389 Bookerr389 16 February 2017

A Brief Rest

Sunday morning , another blessed day.

The Pig and Whistle was bustling with people. Foreigners as well as local townsfolk were all quickly stopping by. All of them were in a hurry to get a quick bite to eat, and a warm drink before the busy work day. At the entrance of the bustling inn stood Jack. His face carried the usual bright smile that people were accustomed to. He always enjoyed watching the liveliness of the people. It always reassured him on why he fought, and defended the people. To watch them flourish and continue their life's without trouble.

Looking around the bustling inn Jack caught the glance of his old friend Alister, sitting idly alone . The wide smile that he had been carrying shrank .It appears that I'm late, he thought …

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Bookerr389 Bookerr389 3 February 2017

The Quest for Knowledge ep 8

The wind howled through the frozen wasteland of Northrend. It bellowed and screamed like a banshee deafening all other voices. Jack and Alister knew this frozen hell quite well. It had only been five or so years since the two had met and fought alongside each other in the campaign of Northrend. However unlike before they were alone with no reinforcements and barely any supplies. The two were sat in a cave waiting for the on going blizzard to calm down," Why exactly did we come back to this hell hole again." Alister asked. Jack sighed before looking to his weary companion," We are on a quest my old friend. I made a promise to the Bishop that I would refill the monastery library." Alister raised a brow," You made the promise however not m…

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Bookerr389 Bookerr389 3 February 2017

The Quest for Knowledge ep 7

The world has a fickle sense of humor. Jack was in wonder and disappointment. After a long needed break Jack returned to his quest for books, and like before he had to track down various novels in varying locations all with equal danger. The book this time that he was in search for was once more in the dreaded plaugelands, within a dark sanctum known as Scholomance. Jack had heard tales of that despicable school, and how it had created various abominations all in the name of the Scourge. Jack was unsure on weather or not this was a good idea to travel into such a dark hole alone but he knew either way that he had to for the sake of the Brotherhood. Looking at the gate to the Scholomance Jack would take in a deep breath. Exhaling slowly he …

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Bookerr389 Bookerr389 3 February 2017

The Quest for Knowledge ep 6

Westfall the once great and plentiful breadbasket of the kingdom of Stormwind. A land now full of poverty and strive had been a location Jack never thought he would go to. It had been only a few years since the Cataclysm when the Defias Brotherhood had revealed itself and caused much mayhem. A land of thieves, beggars, and uncertainty our young Paladin now walks into willingly in the search of a book.

Westfall, Tuesday 7:30 am

The short trek from the Cathedral of Stormwind to the Saldean farm had been interesting to say the least. Jack the previous night did not get that much sleep. His mind had felt troubled and confused the previous evening. It didn't help that he had decided to take his Hawkstrider either. Half the time on the way there J…

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Bookerr389 Bookerr389 3 February 2017

Quest for knowledge ep 5

The travel from Redridge to Northern Stranglethorn hadn't been particularly long for Jack. It was in Alliance territory and thus there were legitimate roads that led there unlike the Highlands where the road was no where to be seen. Jack found pleasure in this, “ Oh Gizbin I'm going to have to thank you when I see you.” He grinned as he said this,” Though I do find it unsettling to travel into this part of the jungle. The stories I have heard about the Jungle Trolls that live in this area are rather frightening.” His grin shifted into a frown, “ I pray the Light watches over me as I do this.” He closed his eyes for a moment to pray. After a few moments he would let out some air, “ Once more I travel into the maws of death, and once more I …

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