Moon Guard Wiki

A Waygate, also know as a Way Gate, is type of large, permanent portal that can be found scattered across the landscapes of both Azeroth and Draenor. Similar in principal and construction to a Dark Portal, Waygates differ by connecting areas of the same planet, instead of separate planets.

The majority of known waygates on Azeroth are of titan or elven origin, while those on Draenor are ogre constructions.

Known Waygates[]

  • Un'Goro-Sholazar Waygate - The most well known waygate, the Un'Goro-Sholazar Waygate is a titan-made waygate that connects Un'Goro Crater and Sholazar Basin.
  • Masters' Gate - A waygate that connected Uldum and Deepholm. Destroyed by the Earthen Ring to stop the Twilight's Hammer from utilising it.
  • Skanoric Waygates - A collection of titan and elvish waygates that connect the continent of Vildskanor with various other areas of Azeroth.
    • Rosholm-Westyrstad Waygate - Connects the cities of Rosholm and Westyrstad.
    • Halstadi-Talonstad Waygate - Connects the cities of Halstadi and Talonstad.
    • Varland-Northrend Waygate - Connects the Kingdom of Varland with Northrend.
  • Ogre Waygates - A collection of waygates created by the Gorian Empire and scattered through Draenor.


Created when a waygate is catastrophically damaged by magical forces, a wayrift effectively a permanent tear in reality. Unlike a waygate, which is containing in some form of structure and is relatively small, a wayrift is completely unbound by any form of structure and can be hundreds of miles wide. Additionally, there is no known way to dispel or shutdown a wayrift.

Formerly the Sundering was the only known even to have created a wayrift, though following the events of the Third Burning Legion Invasion of Azeroth, Sargeras' stabbing of Azeroth is known to have created at least one wayrift.

  • Vildskanor-Tol Nuit Rift - Created during the Sundering, this wayrift connects Vildskanor with the island of Tol Nuit, while also connecting the Great Sea with the Frozen Sea.
  • Vildskanor-Greyhallow Rift - Located in the Kingdom of Varland and on the tip of the Greyhallow Peninsula, this rift was created during the Sundering and also connects the Great Sea with the Wild Sea.
  • Vildskanor-Lordaeron Rift - Located in southern Neuenland and northern Lordaeron, this rift was created during the Sundering and also connects the North Sea with the Frozen Sea.
  • Unknown Rift - Located in south-eastern Vildskanor, this rift was created when the attempt to re-activate its waygate coincided with the Sargeras' stabbing of Azeroth. Currently its destination is unknown, as the rift has yet to stabilise.